How Does a Dental Implant Compare to a Real Tooth?Have you lost one or more teeth recently and you are considering having a dental implant? Maybe you are wondering whether dental implants work like real teeth. Typically, implants are a permanent solution to a missing tooth. They function, feel, and look like your real teeth. Smiles of Tulsa offers an array of dental services to assist you and your family maintain oral health. What is a Dental Implant?Dental implants are a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. Typically, an implant offers a secure anchor for dentures enabling you to speak, eat, and smile with greater confidence. They are more like natural teeth when compared to dental bridges or dentures. Implants are made using artificial titanium dental implant materials to replace the missing tooth root. In addition to that, it can be placed either in the upper or lower jaw. After an implant is planted into your jawbone, then it will heal with time and will create a strong foundation for the dental crown. Most patients prefer the dental implant procedure because it is the most effective solution if they have missing teeth. Do Implants Work Like Real Teeth?Dental implants look and work like natural teeth. In fact, a lot of patients have said that implants work and feel more like your natural teeth when compared to dental bridges and dentures. The implant fuses with the jawbone and does not experience rusting. Dental implants do not have nerves as a natural tooth does, therefore, you will not feel sensations like cold, pressure, or heat with the implant. The sensations will only be felt on the gum tissue that is near the implant. With proper attention and care, your dental implant can be as strong as, or even stronger than, natural teeth. To keep your implants in the best condition, stick to everyday flossing and brushing and visit our dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and checkups. Benefits of Dental ImplantsIt is no longer a secret that dental implants are a great restorative solution for people with missing teeth because they function like a real tooth. One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is that they preserve a healthy jawbone. When you have a missing tooth, the area around it does not experience stimulation and can lead to loss of the jawbone. A dental implant is the only solution as it stimulates growth and preserves natural bone. A dental implant does not require special care. All you need to maintain your normal oral health is flossing and brushing your teeth. The dental implant can last a lifetime. It is the only dental restoration that typically lasts for a lifetime; dental implants have a success rate of 98%. If you are looking to fill a gap in your smile or you want to replace your existing restoration, dental implants could be the right answer. At Smiles of Tulsa, we are here to answer any questions you may have about dental implants and assist you to pick the best missing tooth solution for you. Call us at (918) 891-3059 to schedule an appointment to discuss your candidacy. |