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Dental FAQs for Kids
Tulsa, OK

A young girl smiling at the dentist at Smiles of Tulsa in Tulsa, OKIt is important to ensure that you choose a team that will make your child’s first dental visit pleasant and worry-free. Our professionals at Smiles of Tulsa are skilled in all stages of pediatric dentistry and will provide you and your child with a great, informative experience.

We are focused on creating a positive environment to provide for all of your child’s dental needs. We are also dedicated to providing you with an informative experience so that you can best fulfill your child’s dental hygiene needs.

What Is Done at the First Dental Visit?

The first visit will be dependent upon how many teeth your child has and the observations of the dentist. Every child is different, and the number of teeth present at this first visit will vary.

Our staff will take time to allow your child to become acclimated to them prior to beginning the exam. This first visit will last roughly 30 to 45 minutes, depending on your child’s needs and the amount of information that our team reviews with you. If your child has only one or two teeth, this will shorten the visit. If your child has multiple developed teeth, our team will be able to conduct a more thorough exam.

If needed, our team will conduct a gentle cleaning of your child’s teeth. They will also check your child’s gums, cheeks, and oral tissue for proper and healthy development. Our professionals will discuss any concerns or specific care recommendations with you at this time. Imaging services, such as x-rays, rarely occur during this visit but will be dependent on your child’s needs.

How Much Toothpaste Should My Child Use?

If your child is under three years of age, the ADA recommends using an amount of toothpaste equivalent to a grain of rice. Using such a small amount of toothpaste will allow you to safely clean your child’s teeth while minimizing any negative effects that may be associated with the ingestion of fluoride. Our team will review safe brushing techniques with you during your visit to ensure that your child’s teeth are being adequately cleaned. They will also discuss the importance of fluoride for your child’s dental health.

If your child is between three and six years of age, a pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be used. It is important to supervise the application of toothpaste so that your child is not using too much or too little. An inadequate amount of toothpaste may not be enough to properly clean their teeth and too much can lead to several negative effects such as stomach irritation if ingested.

Does My Child Need to See An Orthodontist?

We will first do an orthodontic exam around age seven. By this time, many children have begun losing their baby teeth and getting their adult teeth. We will be able to tell if their permanent teeth are aligned and spaced correctly. If they are not, we begin looking at early treatment options. These treatment options help ensure that the jaw is developing and growing correctly and correct any issue with the patient’s bite. We will also look at the spacing of the child’s teeth and, if needed, use one of several procedures that can help make additional space if it appears the teeth are too crowded.

A positive experience during your child’s dental visits will set the tone for a lifetime of good oral hygiene practices for your child. Our goal at Smiles of Tulsa is to make dental visits an enjoyable experience for both parents and their children. Contact us today at to schedule your appointment and get your child on the path to lifelong dental health.

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(918) 891-3059


6565 S. Yale Ave
Tulsa, OK 74136-8327

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Dental FAQs for Kids - Dentist Tulsa, OK - Smiles of Tulsa
A positive experience during your child’s dental visits will set the tone for a lifetime of good oral hygiene practices. Call our professionals at Smiles of Tulsa today!
Smiles of Tulsa, 6565 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1103, Tulsa, OK 74136 ~ (918) 891-3059 ~ smilesoftulsa.com ~ 1/31/2025 ~ Page Terms:Preventive Dentistry Tulsa OK ~